Call for Abstract

10th World Congress on Epidemiology & Public Health, will be organized around the theme “"Challenges Experienced &Therapeutics Adopted for Diseases"”

EPIDEMIOLOGY-2022 is comprised of 15 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in EPIDEMIOLOGY-2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a novel coronavirus now known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly known as 2019-nCoV), which was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, during an outbreak of respiratory illness. It was first reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019. When humans contract a coronavirus for the first time, it is frequently due to contact with an infected animal. Bats are one of the most common carriers, but they do not usually transmit coronaviruses directly to humans. Instead, the virus could spread through an intermediary animal, which is most often, but not always, a domestic animal.

The study of the factors that influence cancer in order to deduce possible patterns and causes is known as cancer epidemiology. Cancer epidemiology is the study of using epidemiological approaches to determine the cause of cancer and to identify and create better treatments. This study's scope necessitates dealing with lead time and length time biases. Early diagnosis may artificially inflate cancer survival numbers without really improving the disease's natural history, according to the idea of lead time bias. The assumption that slower-growing, more indolent tumors are more likely to be detected by screening tests is known as length bias. However, improvements in diagnosing more cases of indolent cancer may not translate into better patient outcomes after the use of screening techniques.

Epidemiologists will frequently specialize in the source of diseases and the different factors that contribute to population health problems. Meanwhile, biostatisticians characteristically specialize in the effects of health issues, for example, the implications of genetics, the environment or biological factors. Statistics enlightens many decisions in epidemiologic study design and statistical tools are used widely to study the association between risk factors and health outcomes. The disciplines of epidemiology and biostatistics are essential to achieving the goals of public health, and combining these two disciplines in a single department creates synergies for both training and research. Epidemiologists study the dissemination and determinants of health and disease in populations.  Biostatisticians improve and apply statistical theory, methods and procedures to public health research data and the planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs.

Social epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology that focuses on the impact of social-structural factors on health outcomes. The distribution of advantages and disadvantages in a society mirrors the distribution of health and sickness, according to social epidemiology. It aims to uncover and comprehend the sociocultural factors that influence the pattern of disease and health distribution in a society. What effect do social factors have on individual and population health? This is the central and first issue of social epidemiology to be answered. The new attention on this issue using modern epidemiological methodologies, on the other hand, is a relatively new occurrence.

As a nurse epidemiologist, she is responsible for ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment while also minimizing the risk of infection. They will also concentrate on preventative techniques, infection control, and direct patient nursing. One public health nurse or a group of public health nurses working together can provide public health nursing services. Public health nurses are intimately involved in the inter-disciplinary activities of the basic public health duties of evaluation, assurance, and policy formation in both of these cases. Public health nurses are well-versed in a wide range of engagement techniques, including those that apply to the general population, the family, and the individual. Through focused interventions, programmers, and advocacy, public health nurses apply information from the health and social sciences to individuals and demographic groups.

Environmental epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology that studies how environmental factors affect human health. This discipline studies how a variety of external risk factors might predispose to or protect against disease, illness, injury, developmental anomalies, and mortality. These factors may or may not be present in the contexts in which people live, work, and play. According to the World Health Organization's European Centre for Environment and Health (WHO-ECEH), preventable environmental exposures cause 1.4 million fatalities per year in Europe alone. Chemicals, physical agents, and microbiological pathogens are examples of proximate environmental exposures, which include chemicals, physical agents, and microbiological pathogens, and those that are distal (e.g., indirectly leading to a health condition), such as socioeconomic situations.

Genetic epidemiology is the study of how genes and environmental factors interact to influence human traits, health, and disease. With conceptual and methodological contributions from epidemiology, genetic epidemiology grew out of population genetics, namely human quantitative genetics. All diseases, whether mutual and complex or ostensibly simpler, such as so-called monogenic (single-gene) disorders, are included in modern genetic epidemiology. Many advances in the epidemiology of genetic diseases have concerned hereditary problems that appear to be straightforward (e.g., cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease). Hereditary epidemiology involves a range of facets of epidemiology, including investigations of prevalence, clinical epidemiology, genotype-phenotype connections, and illness development and outcomes, in addition to the general focus on genetic disease.

Maternal health refers to women's health and well-being throughout their lives, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing. Despite the fact that maternity is seen as a rewarding natural experience that is sensitive to the mother, WHO has stated that a large majority of women face numerous challenges, including health problems and even death (WHO n.p) As a result, there is a pressing need to invest in women's health (Amiri and Ulf-G 13). Subsidizing healthcare costs, maternal health education, encouraging good family planning, and assuring progressive check-ups on the health of women with children are just a few of the ways the investment can be made.

Public Health Nutrition (PHN) focuses on improving people's health via nutrition and preventing nutrition-related illness in the general population. Nutritionists in public health make it easy for individuals to be active and eat well. They know how to turn research into voluntary food and nutrition programmers, policies, systems, and environmental change methods that improve the environment and encourage healthy choices. According to the World Health Organization, public health refers to all systematic (public or private) actions taken to prevent disease, enhance health, and extend life in the general population. Its efforts are aimed at creating conditions that allow people to be healthy, and it focuses on entire communities rather than single individuals or diseases. As a result, public health is concerned about the entire system.

Emergency management is the organization and administration of the resources and duties for dealing with all humanitarian characteristics of emergencies (preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery). The goal is to diminish the harmful effects of all hazards, including disasters.

The World Health Organization outlines an emergency as the state in which usual procedures are interrupted, and instant measures (management) need to be taken to prevent it from becoming a disaster, which is even harder to recover from. This comprises the congregation, management, and analysis of big data for the purpose of integrating a data-driven tactic into each segment of the emergency management cycle

Infectious diseases continue to have a major impact on the health of communities around the globe from the world HIV and tuberculosis (TB) epidemics, to the threat of resistant bacteria, to the challenge of emerging and newly identified pathogens. All compel the need for new ways to detect such pathogens, to understand their pathogenesis, and to devise effective interventions for their prevention and control. Infectious Disease Epidemiology collections of  domestic and global works on the epidemiology of emerging and re-emerging infections, world infectious disease threats, disease surveillance, disease detection, vaccines development and other methods of prevention, various clinical trials, and the effect of infectious pathogens in the pathogenesis of chronic non-communicable diseases, like cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases is the situation that affect your heart and blood vessels. Without suitable treatment, cardiovascular disease can lead to strokes or heart attacks. You can make lifestyle changes or take medications to be in charge of cardiovascular disease. The current vision of cardiovascular epidemiology point up an ecological approach that incorporates the full range of biological, environmental, and social determinants of cardiovascular health across the life course. Major advances in the cardiovascular epidemiology over the last 4 decades have increased our understanding of the pathogenesis of CVD, with the identification and treatment of several major risk factors.

The Epidemiology and Infection Control Unit utilizes epidemiological systems to screen and control transferable illnesses. The study of disease transmission is the instrument to find the explanation behind the wellbeing ailments occurring in masses. The people group of corrupted people were investigated. It is portrayed as the deliberate consider of maladies and its control. It consolidates consider of scattering and affirmation of hazard parts identified with prosperity in a people and the convincing measure.

The general practice is one of the clinical practices, where the social insurance proficient treats the ceaseless and serious ailment and gives preventive consideration and prosperity guidance to the patients. What's more, fundamental consideration is the prosperity care given to the accumulate of people or network in some time as of late moving nearer to the helpful master or the centre. Basic consideration and general practice are the prior measures taken some time as of late start the treatment.

Humans are in close association with their pets and other animals (e.g., local wildlife and animals on a farm). Veterinary epidemiology, like human epidemiology, looks at the association between adverse effects and a selected potential ‘cause’ of interest, such as exposure to a chemical or a disease agent. For example, veterinary epidemiology can play a key role in emerging and global disease outbreaks, helping in the understanding and prevention of infections and other emerging diseases, including those transmitted from an animal to other animals, and those possibly transmitted from animals to humans.